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A New York Minute Part 2: Launching #curatedbyRC

A New York Minute Part 2: Launching #curatedbyRC

Let’s talk about MATCHA!

If you’ve been following RC for a while you know that our actual slogan for the longest time was “The Coffee Shop Culture Platform” - WOW! How vintage is that?

To be honest, I used to love this slogan, because it described everything RC was in the beginning. It embodied the online version of your favorite niche indie neighborhood coffee shop, with all the quirks and people that made the place fabulous.

Over the years and hundreds, if not thousands, of coffee cups later, I find myself slowly but surely becoming a Matcha girlie. How did this happen? I think it was a mix of Tiktok influence and the fact that someitmes you just crave a shift, and on the topic of matcha, I am here to report that CHACHA Matcha in NYC is one of the most delicious, vibey, and gorgeous matcha places I’ve visited.

So, if you’re in the city and you’re a matcha fgirlie I’d start there and if you’re still a coffee die-hard person, then I’ve got you covered later on in this blog. Below are some of the gems I visited, saw and found in NYC. I hope you guys enjoy - I linked what I could - and if there’s anything you need to ask, feel free to DM us on our Instagram or Tiktok pages @radicalcontemporary! #curatedbyRC - So much love, N x

Intelligentsia for the BEST coffee in NYC!

Had to stop at Sephora for some essentials.

The MOST delivious dinner at TAO Uptown. The venue is super sexy so definitely dress up a little if you feel like it, and you can’t miss out on the duck, glazed chicken and noodles. The fortune cookies at the end are literally Chef’s Kiss.

TAO HA I love a cheeky cookie !

Cartier store on 5th

Coffee @ Ralph’s

Brunch @ Citizens of SOHO

WHOOP #iykyk but honestly this piece of tech needs a full post and podcast - curated review coming soon for you guys!

I read this book during my trip to NYC and it inspired me to go back to blogging. If you’re ready for it, this book will change your life, it’s the push that you NEED.

I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York’s skyline.
— Ayn Rand
Part 1: July 2024 Week In Curation

Part 1: July 2024 Week In Curation

A New York Minute Part 1: Launching #curatedbyRC

A New York Minute Part 1: Launching #curatedbyRC